Your Money Mindset Journey: FREE

This is a series of practical exercises that help you change your thinking so you can change your life!

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A step by step guide to moving your money mindset from failure to fabulous!

If your money beliefs are holding you back this workbook is a practical guide to creating change

Change your money mindset

Discover what is holding you back! Our simple technique will help change change your beliefs and move forward. 

Create boundaries 

Become aware of your own needs and learn how saying a big healthy NO leads to you creating your own financial freedom. 

Live your fabulous life!

Conquer your money beliefs. Stop feeling like a financial failure and set yourself up for a fabulous financial life.

I want my FREE mindful money workbook


Hi, I'm Phoebe Blamey


I have been on my own money journey, broke and booted out of my own business.

A single mum facing financial ruin, I went from feeling  ashamed and helpless, to in control and owning an award winning financial services business, with a life beyond my dreams! 

Now I'm a best selling author and financial strategist, on a mission to coach you out of overwhelm and fear, I'll arm you with a plan so you can feel confident and in control, knowing you can live your best life.

You are safe with me  - I am a business graduate, qualified planner and have an award winning mortgage broking business.

 Let's get you on your own happy money journey.
Start my mindful journey